Widely used in the fields of lifting, fishing and decoration, rope can be made from natural materials such as hemp or synthetic products (polyester, polyamide or polypropylene). The advantage of synthetic ropes is their overall strength. In general, ropes are made by winding 3 to 4 strands on themselves.
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  • DIAMETRE EN MM : 26 offers you several rope textures with lengths between 4 and 40 m for hemp and polyamide. For polypropylene rope, we offer a length of between 4 and 44 m.

How to choose your rope ?

To choose your rope, you need to know the type of use and the main characteristics. In order to select the best rope for your needs, it is important to take into consideration several criteria such as the composition of the rope, its capacity, its resistance to wear and tear, its elongation... For example, polypropylene rope is known for its lightness and low price. However, this same rope is very fragile when exposed to UV light and therefore has a shorter lifespan than hemp.

We perform rope splicing in our French lifting and handling company on request. We also offer custom-made nets that can be used for safety as fall arrest or guardrails, for loading objects with loops at the corners and intermediate selvedges or for bollards and anchors. We manufacture your custom-made net from ropes according to your requirements in our French workshops.

You will also find several lifting accessories adapted to your ropes. It is possible to customise your order by adding lifting hooks and other accessories. For more information about our ropes or our workshop production, please consult our customer service, they will answer all your questions. You can also find us on our blog to get more information about our products.